6/10 - Ok
Detlef P.
1 de set. de 2020
Pontos positivos: Limpeza
Frustrating holiday
We are not usually guests who write unsolicited reviews, are quickly satisfied and not particularly demanding, but here it has to be:
Unfortunately, it was not possible to determine at the time of booking to which apartment the booking refers.
Despite our explicit wish we did not get the apartment on the upper floor - without information - but the very dark apartment in the basement, which is located at the busy + noisy street.
If you need quiet, this apartment is not suitable. Especially if you do not want to be woken up by a chainsaw in the morning. The owner thought it would make sense for his gardeners to come with her at 7:30 am. If one is asked, the neighbours should be responsible first, then one would not have his own gardeners under control,
This is not particularly service- and holiday-oriented.
Detlef P.
Hospedou-se por 5 diárias em ago. de 2020