At first glance the property appeared a great find; clean, spacious and stunning bathrooms. It suited our needs for a birthday trip to London for a group of friends. We would be going to a Festival on the second day... perfect?! ...... What then transpired was a threatening interaction with the host - a Police car sighting on the street (which I later found out was for another residence in the street opposite) meant the host called us after 1am asking if we were causing a disturbance due to music etc. Granted, we had music playing from a small speaker inside, but nothing to warrant a Police visit. Then turning off our speaker, now concerned as the host may 'need to sort us out' and pay us a visit.... Next a gentleman protecting his face from the cold summer winds or rather 'ballyed up' - I can infer was a familiar of the host, approached a few of the guests who were on the street smoking and proceeded to reveal he was armed with a blade. He reassured my friends he had already done time and wasn't afraid to go back inside..... due to our bringing 'HEAT TO THE STREET'. Long story short - the first night we all slept soundly..... Except perhaps the undercurrent of impending injury, maiming or death. We really had a great time at the festival, the music was superb. Needless to say we were up and off by check out time on the morning of departure, leaving the house clean and tidy with rubbish all ready for the bin and swiftly away! Overall a great spot, just not sure on the neighbours.